Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Last note on Comments

Okay, I've readded the blogger comments, but I figured there may be a few discussions that might be of interest, so the other comments are there too. This may seem confusing for a bit, but use the comments link on the left(the one with the little graphic next to it), that will link to the new comments section. If you click on the other one, you'll be able to comment, but I'm only going to leave the old comments up until tomorrow. If no one adds to an old discussion between today and tomorrow, I'll assume those conversations are over and move over to blogger comments completely. If this doesn't make any sense at all, please click on comments and I'll answer whatever questions. All in all, this change should make everyone happy since Josh hates being cut off, and the new blogger comments are in a pop up window like I wanted to begin with. So there it is.

1 comment:

Dr 4LOM said...

You picked the right one!